A Movement

December 19, 2024
Pedicab Design Program People Moving People
The same basic design of “Pedicabs” is in use everywhere. A few privileged people relax in comfortable enclosures, as, strangely, somebody pulls them around, while completely exposed to the elements. This 19th century design is remnant of another age...
October 14, 2024
The Task
What is not there, are fully weather protected, stable and comfortable, up-to-date trikes. If vehicles are light enough, human power is relevant, and by using solar/electric assistance, travel can be pleasurable and healthful too. Until all of the relevant technologies evolved to this point, motors, batteries, controllers, etc., this advance was impossible. We have the tools now, to bring our bloated urban transportation systems, down to the Human Scale, to take a giant leap into a survivable future, and a much more beautiful and visually arresting place.
October 11, 2024
The Future of Pedalcabs
The cargo business has recently been revolutionized and the same is needed here. It will involve more than motors, dimensions and the number of wheels. In order for this profession to reach its potential to provide benefits to both its participants and the general public, the original stunted, politically-charged legal process that defined the field and set the conditions, must be started over. T
October 1, 2024
Our intention
Our intention is to stimulate as much local pursuit of the benefits available here as possible. The materials, skills and technology needed to develop new, minimal, human-powered-based, and electric-assist, designs of transport vehicles, exist throughout the world.
March 15, 2024
To Pedicabbers Everywhere
When a friend and I began the pedicab business in New York City 30 years ago I named it “Serious Transportation”. Though I am no longer directly involved in the business, I am designing and constructing prototypes of new designs (LightWheels.com) and am also very interested in working to help realize the enormous potential to improve our lives and environments through the expansion of this activity.