A Movement


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While this project is intended to motivate fully independent activity, with no necessarily structural connection to A Movement, there are certain useful tasks that can expedited by AM beneficially. Coordinating the participation of private of public factors, and encouraging their involvement, will be important in determine the effectiveness of such program as this. Connecting groups to: Local businesses. A system can be established for contacting local businesses in the vicinity of a project and inviting to them to participate, through in-kind or cash contributions. This will require a vetting process, to make certain that the project is real, and not […]

A Movement


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Participating individuals can be working alone, or as part of a group. These combinations can be any shape or size, like the vehicles, so there have to be a few understandings in order for this to work: Safety is paramount. Vehicles, even if they are moving at an urban speed limit of 15 or 20 mph, can cause damage to riders and passengers, if not properly designed and constructed. Wheelchairs and other precious cargo, must be fully protected in their dangerous environs. Respect needs to be provided for one another. Bullying should not be tolerated. If consensus is possible, that […]

A Movement

To Pedicabbers Everywhere

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When a friend and I began the pedicab business in New York City 30 years ago I named it “Serious Transportation”. Though I am no longer directly involved in the business, I am designing and constructing prototypes of new designs (LightWheels.com) and am also very interested in working to help realize the enormous potential to improve our lives and environments through the expansion of this activity. Now that the use of cargo cycles, which share many features with pedicabs, is exploding everywhere, it is time to pay more attention to what has been largely an expensive tourist-oriented activity but could […]